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Pjur® Aqua, bottle, 500ml

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Product description

  • If you want a premium water-based lubricant, you will find exactly what you are looking for in Pjur Aqua! Water is completely absorbed in the skin. Pjur Aqua leaves no sticky film – only an exquisite overall feeling. Pjur Aqua moisturizes, protects and nourishes dry, damaged skin. This pleasant skin feeling enhances sexual pleasure and the desire for more! The lubricant contains no fats, oils or perfumes, and is therefore positively skin and mucous membrane compatible. This quality has been confirmed by the Stiftung Warentest
  • Foundation (a consumer protection organization) which gave the mucous membrane compatibility and microbiological quality of Pjur Aqua a “very good” grading. The water-based formula with its excellent glide properties is easy to wash off and perfectly suitable for use with erotic toys. Whether for daily pleasure for two or regular body care, fun is always in the cards with Pjur Aqua. Compatible with latex condoms.


FlavorWithout flavor
Total Length (cm)6
Width/Diameter (cm)6
Filled Volume - ml500
Country Origin for Export3307900000
Bulk weight (Grams)547
Height (cm)23
EAN Code827160100292
Product code920053

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